TileServer GL

Vector and raster maps with GL styles


Klokantech Basic preview

Klokantech Basic

identifier: klokantech-basic

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

OSM Bright preview

OSM Bright

identifier: osm-bright

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

Airports Style preview

Airports Style

identifier: airports-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

Fire Fighting Training Centers preview

Fire Fighting Training Centers

identifier: ffts-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

Active Permitted Landfills Style preview

Active Permitted Landfills Style

identifier: landfills-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

NC Military Bases preview

NC Military Bases

identifier: military-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

NPDES Waste Water Treatment Plants - Active preview

NPDES Waste Water Treatment Plants - Active

identifier: wwtp-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ

NC River Basins (HUC6) preview

NC River Basins (HUC6)

identifier: nchuc6-style

services: GL Style | TileJSON | WMTS | XYZ


OpenMapTiles preview


identifier: v3 | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

airports_NC.mbtiles preview


identifier: airports | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

FFTrainingCenter_NC.mbtiles preview


identifier: ffts | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

MilitaryBase_NC.mbtiles preview


identifier: landfills | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

NPDES_WWTP_active_epsg4326.mbtiles preview


identifier: wwtp | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

NC_HUC6.mbtiles preview


identifier: nchuc6 | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

nconemap_nc_counties.mbtiles preview


identifier: nc_counties | type: vector data

services: TileJSON

TypeAPubWaterSvcAreas2004.mbtiles preview


identifier: nc_pw_svcareas | type: vector data

services: TileJSON